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  1. Remember the time when hovering and clicking using the mouse were the most used triggers for interaction with a website or mobile app? Forget about those days.

    The game changed when Apple introduced the first fully touchscreen smartphone in 2007. Since that time gestures have become the new clicks, and they still are one of the hottest trends in UI design even today. These intuitively understandable gestures have dramatically changed the way we think about interaction with our mobile devices.

    Mobile gestures have an impact on user experience. No matter what kind of a mobile app you create, you’ll have to integrate gestures into your mobile design. Here are three reasons why.
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  2. Ideally, usability consultants team up with developers and designers in the process of creating a product to ensure it is optimized for the end user.

    There are six key steps that must be taken in order to ensure a great design and user experience.
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  3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the landscape of businesses and operations. A game changer, it is facilitating better customer experience and engagement that is leading to better business. Humanizing these interactions and taking it to the next level are Conversational applications.

    Heralding a new era in customer and enterprise user experience, conversational applications enable engagement at a human level. It factors humor, emotion and empathy that helps in building a deeper connection with the customer. Unconstrained by human limitations, it can make giant leaps to connect the dots in a matter of seconds to deliver a human-like experience. This unprecedented level of contextually-relevant conversation, continuously enhanced by constant acquisition and utility of user data, gives the user a unique width and depth of a highly personalized experience.
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  4. The big Google updates of recent times have led to a rethink by many SEOs: It's no no longer just about individual and clearly identifiable factors. Increasingly its the user behaviour in response to the user experience that determines the success of Google. What it is, whether it's a ranking factor and, importantly, what Google says, is covered in this blog post.
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  5. Augmented reality (AR) has seen steady progress from what seemed like a science-fiction trope to absolute, unquestionable reality.

    What is more, the last couple of years saw notable advances in the field, making the technology even more affordable and accessible. This, in turn, provoked wider adoption and popularity.

    Virtual Reality (VR), on the other hand, is making the experience of checking out properties, gaming, and visualizing places completely different.
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  6. As Amazon continues to dominate the e-commerce space, smaller online retail businesses must do more to compete. Web design is one effective way e-commerce businesses can stand out to consumers while making a worthwhile investment in their marketing strategy. A recent consumer survey from Clutch shows that people value three main user experience (UX) features when they browse online:

    - Effective navigation
    - Updated website design
    - Authoritative content

    Updating a website to include or enhance these three features will benefit businesses beyond simply improving the user experience. Investing in navigation, design, and content also has important branding and SEO benefits.
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  7. Nowadays, first impressions are everything as website visitors become more and more accustomed to a high level of user experience. Website user experience is a measure of the overall experience as well as look-and-feel of your website. Want to be sure your user experience is to par with customer expectations? Now you can with our easy-to-use website user experience survey templates from the Mopinion Survey Marketplace!
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  8. The new age definition of doing good business is how engaging and gratifying is the user experience. User experience basically means creating a connection between the machine and its user. Better the connection, better the experience. This week, we interviewed Mr. Ravi Teja, CEO, Robosoft, an organization that believes that technology exists to simplify lives ….and businesses.
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  9. The benefits of cloud computing are clear. Companies recognize that investing in on-premises technology is no longer a cost effective and nimble way to adapt to the changing needs of users. A better, more flexible and highly scalable strategy is to use a platform in the cloud to build applications that work across digital devices and can better address customer demands in real time.
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  10. Imagine you’re at an industry conference. It’s happy hour, so you grab a drink and turn to the attendee next to you. What do you do next? You don’t just throw a business card at them and walk away. If you do, you’re a lousy networker.

    If you're a good networker, you start a conversation.

    If you're a great networker, you take that conversation to the next level by adjusting the conversation based on their body language. If they lean in when you talk about search engine optimization but check their watch when you talk about paid search, well ... then you talk more about SEO.
    So the question is this: why aren’t more companies doing this with their website visitors?
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Mopinion is a proud sponsor of User Experience News. The voice of the online user is taking on an increasingly important role when it comes to improving websites and apps. So web analysts and digital marketeers are making more and more use of User Experience Tools in order to collect experience from the user. Mopinion takes it one step further and offers a solution to analyse and visualise User Experience results from your websites and apps wherever you need them. The real challenge for companies is not about capturing experience, it is about how to make sense of the data.