eringilliam: design-principles*

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  1. It is easy to confuse User Interface (UI) with User Experience (UX). In this article, we explain what user interface is and how it is different from user experience. We also cover the basic design principles to craft high-quality user experiences and user interfaces for your marketing platforms.

    Before diving into the essential elements of engaging user experience and delightful user interface, we need to be able to differentiate the two. Let’s begin by asking—
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  2. Have you ever tried a video streaming app and then been so frustrated by the sheer number of ads that you decided to uninstall within minutes of downloading? Or have you ever installed a mobile app that promised to make your to do list more functional only to begin scratching your head, wondering how to use the gnarly abundance of menu options?

    Both of these examples show the deadly effect that a poor user experience (UX) can have on your app. See, UX isn’t only an art. It’s also a science with very clearly defined principles. And mastering those principles can lead to a better app and happier users.
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  3. One broad question that hounds almost all designers everywhere — ‘What is the perfect designing strategy to develop a user-friendly platform?’ The simpler version of it would be looking for an answer by actually observing the design yourself. Observation is the most critical asset of a designer when developing a design based on User Experience (UX). Ultimately, a good design is not just the by-product of creative ideas but an amalgamation of multiple design elements chosen to bring the idea/imagination to life.

    When it comes to User Experience, some factors must be considered prior to the designing task.
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  4. User experience (UX) design is the process of building relationships between products and prospects or customers through a digital or physical experience that involves engineering, marketing, graphical, industrial and interface designs. UEGroup CEO Tony Fernandes in an interview with CMSWire called UX design an “interactive brand experience that takes the place of establishing credibility and connection in the way that logos and taglines did in the past.”
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  5. One broad question that hounds almost all designers everywhere — ‘What is the perfect designing strategy to develop a user-friendly platform?’ The simpler version of it would be looking for an answer by actually observing the design yourself. Observation is the most critical asset of a designer when developing a design based on User Experience (UX). Ultimately, a good design is not just the by-product of creative ideas but an amalgamation of multiple design elements chosen to bring the idea/imagination to life.

    When it comes to User Experience, some factors must be considered prior to the designing task.
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  6. Every product has an ultimate goal — to help people solve certain problems. When designing a product, you need to keep user experience in mind, you don’t want to create a product that is more complicated than the actual problem the users have. There are some principles to follow when designing a product. It could be an app, a website or a physical product. These principles would help you shape better user experience.
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