Tags: customer-feedback*

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  1. If we look back through history, many of the greatest technological innovations have necessitated change – especially among businesses. Take the internet, for example. The World Wide Web went live a little over twenty-five years ago and took the business world by storm. Andy Grove, the chairman of Intel even said, ‘In five years time, all companies will be Internet companies, or they won’t be companies at all’.
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  2. The form is one of the most significant and commonest modules no matter on the webs or in the apps. Forms are widely used — for registration, subscription services, customer feedback, checkout, to initiate transactions between users and companies, or as data input to search or share information.
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  3. Collecting and analysing feedback is one thing, but bringing it to a profitable conclusion by taking action is what makes the whole feedback process worthwhile. We refer to this last step as ‘closing the feedback loop’. This is a key concept in managing the online customer experience, which is why it’s important that this step is not overlooked. It’s also imperative that this step is carried out as efficiently and effectively as possible. To do this, close collaboration is often required. The question is, what does this collaboration look like?
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  4. WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems available with nearly 75 million websites. What’s great about this open source software is that it offers well over 53,000 different plugins that gives users the opportunity to extend the functionality of their websites. These plugins can range anywhere from SEO tools and Landing pages to Social media integration and Caching tools. However, there are also several notable user feedback plugins that are great for kickstarting your customer feedback programme.
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  5. Real-time customer feedback is a type of qualitative data collection, in which you receive live feedback from visitors on your website or mobile app. With real-time customer feedback, you can immediately see the needs and wishes of your visitors as well as monitor for potential problems such as bugs or missing information in the customer journey.
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  6. Depending on their goals a customer has from using your digital channels, they may choose different paths to reach them. Equally, one customer may use a different path than another to reach the desired goal.
    Therefore, to facilitate the holy grail of the digital customer experience you need a lot more than just some general online feedback or survey tools.
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  7. And…that’s a wrap for 2017! We are thrilled to report that we’ve published well over 100 blog posts this year. Aside from being a great resource for everything online feedback, the Mopinion blog covers a wide range of digital topics and trends. From Customer Experience and User Experience to the Online Customer Journey and the rise of Mobile, we’ve written articles catered to every digital role.
    So let’s take a few moments and reflect on Mopinion’s Top 10 Hottest Blog Posts of 2017!
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  8. To kickoff the new year, Mopinion has just launched a new feature within its platform: customisable inbox filters and views. This new feature will give users total control of the views they create in their inbox of feedback items. It enables users to combine key data fields such as scores, browsers, texts, URLS and more – which provides for very specific views.
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  9. Businesses nowadays are becoming increasingly more customer-centric on their digital channels, and for a good reason too. Studies show that companies that put their customers at the core of their business are nearly 60% more profitable than those that don’t. So what are these companies doing to achieve this success exactly? Many of them are ‘passing the mic’ to their customers. In other words, giving their customers a voice through customer feedback software such as Medallia for Digital.
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  10. We are proud to announce that one of the largest supermarket chains in the Netherlands, Albert Heijn, now uses Mopinion’s feedback software on their website (AH.nl). Albert Heijn – also referred to as the AH or ‘Appie’, as the Dutch like to call it – jump-started its online feedback programme in June of last year (2017). Since then, they have employed various feedback forms across their website with the aim to extract valuable insights into the online shopper journey.
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Mopinion: The Leading User Experience Tool

Mopinion is a proud sponsor of User Experience News. The voice of the online user is taking on an increasingly important role when it comes to improving websites and apps. So web analysts and digital marketeers are making more and more use of User Experience Tools in order to collect experience from the user. Mopinion takes it one step further and offers a solution to analyse and visualise User Experience results from your websites and apps wherever you need them. The real challenge for companies is not about capturing experience, it is about how to make sense of the data.