Whether or not you’re a website designer, possessing a comprehensive understanding of user experience (UX) is paramount. Strong UX directly correlates to better business. In fact, putting emphasis on UX from the get-go increases everything from customer retention, conversions and market share. And what’s better than that?
But to really reap the benefits, business owners, online marketers and content creators should learn what constitutes UX and how to speak the language to get the most bang for their buck.
If we look back through history, many of the greatest technological innovations have necessitated change – especially among businesses. Take the internet, for example. The World Wide Web went live a little over twenty-five years ago and took the business world by storm. Andy Grove, the chairman of Intel even said, ‘In five years time, all companies will be Internet companies, or they won’t be companies at all’.
One of the fables that floats around UX teams is that of the US space program and its quest for a pen that could be used in anti-gravity.
They reportedly spent million dollars developing a high-tech writing utensil with ink that remained solid until the flow of writing and a pressurized chamber that made it useful upside-down. The Russian cosmonauts, however, simply brought pencils.
Though this story isn’t wholly true, it shines light on the necessity of understanding the larger picture. The space pen did make it into orbit and was a privately-funded accomplishment in engineering...
Blockchain will have a massive impact on banking, digital identity, smart contracts, digital voting, and decentralized notary. So what does this mean for designers?
Human face is a very powerful tool in designer’s toolbox. The influence that a face can have on people is surprising. However, all too often, we ignore this tool when designing our products. We simply forget to consider what the human face is capable of doing.
Let’s take a look at some of the ways designers can use human faces to improve UX.
This is an extremely hot topic right now. How do you balance digital ad revenue and user experience if you’re a digital publisher or website owner? At a recent event, some of the largest publishers on the planet recently circled this issue as their core challenge right now. So, what is the formula for balancing these two key site elements?
Today, website users are bombarded with all sorts of content and information, from cat videos to the latest news scandal. With all of this competition, it can be difficult to cut through the clutter and get your marketing messages across to your target audience. Indeed, generating and holding user attention online is one of the biggest challenges marketers face. Learning how to focus user attention on the right information is therefore critical to the success of your marketing initiatives.
In this article, I’ll share six of the most effective tactics for capturing and holding your users’ attention.
While ad-targeting is both prominent and increasingly invasive, ads are but the tip of the iceberg.
The biggest fallacy in many people's understanding of online data gathering is the widely-held belief that the only real downside to what they willingly offer up online is them seeing a few more harmless ads. Nothing, sadly, could be further from the truth.
While ad-targeting is both prominent and increasingly invasive, ads are but the tip of the iceberg, and an ominous mass of other destinations for our data lies beneath the surface. Here is some of what else happens after you scroll down those ostensibly impossible-to-read terms and conditions and hit "I accept".
Researchers working on browser fingerprinting found themselves distracted by a much more serious privacy breach: analytical scripts siphoning off masses of user interactions.
Steven Englehardt (a PhD student at Princeton), Arvind Narayanan (a Princeton assistant professor) and Gunes Acar (KU Lueven), published their study at Freedom to Tinker last week. Their key finding is that session replay scripts are indiscriminate in what they scoop, user permission is absent, and there's evidence that the data isn't always handled securely.
Session replay is a popular user experience tool: it lets a publisher watch users navigating their site to work out why users leave a site and what needs improving.
Quantifying the user experience is the first step to making measured improvements.
One of the first questions with any metric is “what’s a good score?”. Like in sports, a good score depends on the metric and context.
Here are 10 benchmarks with some context to help make your metrics more manageable.