Tags: marketing*

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  1. There is much change in marketing on an everyday basis, and marketers seem to be constantly on the move to conjure up the next adrenaline high.

    Consumers’ stimulation levels have gone up significantly, and brands across sectors are seeking and creating newer ways to build the “experience” for the customer like they did in 2017. In 2018 and ahead, this metamorphosis will only become stronger, deeper, and faster.
    Tags: , , by tjeerdtraats (2017-12-08)
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  2. When you and your competitors are all adhering to local SEO best practices, how can you differentiate your business from the rest? Columnist Sherry Bonelli has some ideas.
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  3. “Trust” is a word you often hear in business models and marketing strategies today. The new generation of consumers places great importance on how honest, transparent, and authentic a brand is.

    According to one SDL study, millennials are seven times more likely to give personal information to a brand they trust as opposed to any other brand. Around the world, consumers want every aspect of a brand to exhibit trustworthiness, from the About Us page to a secure checkout process.

    Here are six user experience (UX) design tips that can help a brand achieve this golden standard, and secure customer loyalty for the long haul.
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  4. As 2018 rolls around, knowing which skills to upgrade and improve on would definitely be on the minds of many. According to a recent report by LinkedIn, hard skills in marketing and data will be needed most by companies in 2018. Meanwhile, soft skills such as communication will also be needed.
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  5. Around this time each year, we like to look back at marketing and design trends that shaped the previous year, as well as what changes we can expect in the future.

    The year 2017 brought us millennial pink, virtual reality, GIFs, and a step closer towards the possible end of the stock photo. What can we expect for the New Year on the horizon? Like its predecessor, 2018 will likely be full of mash-ups and changes. Here are a few emerging trends to keep your eye on, as they will probably become more popular in 2018.
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  6. Snapchat has copped backlash from its users following a major overhaul to its user interface, affecting users in Australia, UK and Canada. Plans for the new layout first emerged last year, with the intention to separate the social from the media. It also follows one year after the launch of Instagram Stories and slowing Snapchat user growth.
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  7. Is your landing page reaching out to the visitors exactly the way you want it to?

    Every website no matter how big or popular will have a considerable bounce rate — A unit that measures the number of users who visit your website but leave without performing any further action.
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  8. Everything about your website — from the colors you use to the placement of your buttons — ties into your conversion rates.

    The experience your users have on your website will not only determine your conversion rates, but may even be the difference between whether visitors choose to stay on your site or bounce away. You likely have spent a lot of time and effort getting traffic to your website, so the last thing you want is to turn those visitors off.
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  9. Recently my CEO shared a nice thought provoking article titled law of sh*tty click-through rates. It was a great article with a lot of great insights. The main point the article highlights is that over time all marketing strategies result in shitty click-through rates.
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  10. The ongoing 'fake news' saga highlighted a previously unseen flaw in Facebook’s model: allowing open access to all became a liability to the social media giant’s brand, and therefore to the wider company.
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