tjeerdtraats: mobile-ux*

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  1. Mobile messaging service Hike just launched Total, a new service that lets Android users in India make payments to businesses and transfer money, read news, book train tickets, and chat with their contacts on the platform – all without mobile data.
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  2. Google has made mobile page speed a priority for the past couple of years. It introduced Accelerated Mobile Pages in October 2015 as part of a broad initiative to speed up web browsing on mobile devices. The following year, the company emphasized websites that used AMP more prominently in its search results and on Google News, per TechCrunch.
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  3. Given the importance of speed as a metric, Google at Mobile World Congress is introducing new tools to help mobile sites improve their end-user experiences. The first is a comparison tool, while the second helps calculate the monetary impact of speed.
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  4. As of this morning, we are seeing multiple new additions to the Google Hotel Ads mobile user experience. Most notably, we noticed a widespread implementation of the room booking module, a price trend overview, other locations, and a question/answer portion. As with all Google experiments, it will be interesting to see how pervasive this is.

    The room booking module could drive a small degree of traffic away from the conventional meta-search placements. The price trends overview could provide a lot of important information for leisure travelers who can easily adjust their check in/out date. The “other locations” portion could be incredibly valuable for hotels that have high brand loyalty or great loyalty rewards. The questions and answers portion is a great tool for upper funnel consumers that are still in the early stages of their trip planning. Let’s look at these additions in more detail:
    Tags: , , , by tjeerdtraats (2017-11-29)
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  5. You might have heard buzz in the industry that Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are set to be the next big thing. Those in the know might tell you they’ll push the mobile web forward, bring parity to web and native apps and provide mobile-specific capabilities to web users. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Google came up with the term, and PWAs are seen alongside Accelerated Mobile Pages and Responsive Web Design as a weapon in the fight for a slick mobile user experience.
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  6. As we all know, the Android user is far more in numbers as compared to Apple users. However, variations in his Smartphone flagship, which is provided in the adequate budget all around the world. The iPhone users are barely in fewer numbers with a much higher price range to offer UI experience

    Coming up to the user experience, the latest upcoming updates in android focuses on building a rich cum simplified navigation over android. People find iOS a bit complicated when it comes to user interface.
    Tags: , , , , , by tjeerdtraats (2018-01-30)
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  7. In global information and communication industry one of the significant trend is shifting of internet services from computers to mobile devices. As the penetration of smart phone is increasing exponentially, most of the companies around the world is focusing to deliver their services with enhanced user experience over the mobile platforms. User experience (also UX) is all about how convenient a person feels while interacting with a system, this system could be a utilization of hardware, web application or a software.
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  8. For a growing economy like India, upgrading networks to 5G technology will benefit both the telecom operators and consumers. Speaking to, Ericsson Global Chief Technology Officer Erik Ekudden said that investments made in the next-generation 5G networks can lower the cost involved significantly for the telecom operators. Swedish telecom equipment maker Ericsson expects 5G to be rolled out in India in 2020.
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  9. Collecting and analysing in-app feedback can be very straightforward – provided that you have the right tools and methodology in place to do so. In a previous article, we outlined several reasons why collecting in-app feedback is important for the mobile user experience. The next step is to demonstrate how this feedback can be collected. There are three options to choose from when it comes to collecting feedback in-app – all of which offer their own advantages and drawbacks. These methods include: Webviews, SDKs and APIs.
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  10. As we move into 2018, it is safe to assume that there is no single serious mobile app company out there that does not understand the value and the importance of the UX designer.

    With user experience being center stage for every contemporary mobile app, UX designers are faced with a daunting task of leading from the front rather than from the back. The everlasting need of being fresh, creative, to think outside the box and bend or break the rules where possible means that they will either need to create new trends or follow current ones – always.
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