About six months ago, I left Facebook cold turkey. I had tried leaving it before, but always ended up going back. It wasn’t the not‑so‑subtle hints or wanting to see the pictures of all my friends—or at least people with whom I’d connected on Facebook—that drove me back, but fear of missing out (FOMO). What if something happened to someone, and I wasn’t aware of it? What if I thought of a witty one-liner and couldn’t share it immediately with a group of people, then bask in the adulation they would inevitably provide in response to my genius? What about that important political opinion about Trump or Brexit that I’d need to share among my fellow right‑thinking people?
The digital asset site ShapeShift is in my view one of the greatest innovations in the nascent world of crypto. But frankly, in my opinion, the user experience on this online site is evolving into one hot mess.
In NYC, smart city initiatives are all about the area's citizens, residents and tourists, with user experience a key consideration for success.
Across the city's five boroughs, New York agencies are exploring innovative approaches to building a smarter, more equitable and responsive city. The objective is to make New York City the most innovative and tech-friendly city in the world.
The most exciting projects I’ve worked on, and that had the best impact on the people using them, had several things in common. There was a good understanding of the technologies involved, their limitations and the foundations needed for a proper solution. Most importantly, though, experience design played a big role, creating a clear sense of who the audience was and how people would be using the interface.