Today, web-development focuses on enhancing user experience. From small, medium to large enterprises, everyone is keen to leverage the Artificial Intelligence’s power for offering better personalization and boosting his or her web-experience.
Let’s have a look at how Artificial Intelligence is transforming the web-development to enhance user experience:
The Internet has completely transformed since its evolution, and so has the web development. Websites with standard text pages, few pictures, and font variation are the tales of the old days. Today, the advancement of web technologies has enabled the web development to include images and audiovisual content for delivering another level of user-experience than just information.
Moreover, Gartner has predicted that by 2020, enterprises will manage 85% of their relationship with customers without any human interaction. Therefore, it implies that Artificial Intelligence will enable customers to interact effectively. As part of this, machines will simulate the human intelligence processes involving the learning, reasoning, and self-correction.